Review : A Psychological Consideration of Sexual Activity Impact upon Sporting Performance: an Overview
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  • Auteurs
    Peirooz S ayfollah Pour, Masume Heidary and Mansur Mousavi.
  • Année de publication
  • Journal
    International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
  • Abstract (dans sa langue originale)

    The question of sexual activity prior to an event is a popular subject amongst athletes. No genuine answer to date has been established about the influence of sexual activity on athletic performance.
    The purpose of the present study was to review the literature regarding sexual activity effect on sporting performance from psychological perspective. The study was of non-empirical and descriptive one taking archival materials and first and second hand information into consideration. Due to cultural and ethical consideration, there was no empirical study found in Iran. Hence, we reviewed non-empirical and empirical studies carried out overseas.
    Overall, it was found there were scarcity and diversity of the opinions in the literature. So, the implications of the study will help sport psychologists, coaches, and academicians have a deep insight into sexual activity impact upon sporting performance. Finally, it is suggested academicians and practitioners seize the opportunity to study the subject which is still at an embryonic stage.

  • Identifiant unique
    ISSN: 2222 - 6990
  • Accès libre
    Accéder à la référence
  • Apparait dans la controverse
    Avoir une activité sexuelle avant un événement sportif : existe-t-il un impact négatif sur les performances sportives ?
  • Comment les contributeurs jugent la qualité scientifique de cette référence :

  • Avoir une activité sexuelle avant un événement sportif : existe-t-il un impact négatif sur les performances sportives ? Oui ou Non